Interior Design Idea – Surround Your Window Seat With Color

January 8, 2017

Interior Design Idea - Surround Your Window Seat With Color

Window seats are an extra cozy way to relax and unwind. Sitting curled up with a book looking out at the world while enjoying a warm drink sounds like the perfect way to spend an afternoon. To make your window seat stand out from the rest of the room and to create a focal point, consider surrounding it in a bright color.

This orange window seat is a bright pop of color against the white walls and it matches the small row of seating against the walls.

Interior Design Idea - Surround Your Window Seat With Color

archi5 and Tecnova Architecture designed this school in Francia. Photography by Sergio Grazia.

Colorful upholstery surrounding the entire seat is a great way to add extra comfort to your window seat.

Interior Design Idea - Surround Your Window Seat With Color

Goderbauer Architects designed this cozy window seat.

Colorful window seat surrounds can bring an element of fun into your interior too, as seen here where kids are enjoying the bright yellow window seat in their kindergarten classroom.

Interior Design Idea - Surround Your Window Seat With Color

Kadawittfeldarchitektur designed this children’s day care centre in Hamburg, Germany. Photography by Werner Huthmacher.